
What Are the Benefits of Smartphone Technology?

Lora Langston

Can we Live Without Smartphones?

Smartphones. Can you imagine going a day without using your smartphone? Probably not. In this day and age we rely on our phones for nearly everything. So, what are the benefits of smartphone technology?


What are the benefits  of smartphone technology?


Of course, if you polled friends and family, they’d have a variety of answers on their favorite smartphone activities. Some use their phones to play games like Words with Friends or Candy Crush. Nearly everyone uses their phone for Facebook and Facebook messenger. But these days your phone can do so many amazing things!

Benefits of Smartphone Technology

One benefit of smartphone technology is the ability to use a smart outlet and add an app to your phone. Read about the best smart outlet for your smartphone. These make coming into the house alone at night far less frightening. Have your phone ready and push the button on the app when you walk into the room.

Your phone is a virtual office in the palm of your hands. If you aren’t using it to check your email, it’s time to get with the program. Connect your gmail for instant access to emails, Google docs, and more. With smartphone technology, you can do video conferencing, share spreadsheets, and even collaborate on documents. Learn how to set up gmail on your phone.

Speaking of Google, did you know that Google can find your smartphone if it gets lost? You’ll have to connect your gmail to your phone first, but what a game changer! Here’s how to connect find my phone to your android device.

How about photo and information sharing? With the touch of your smartphone to another smartphone, you can now easily swap photos and documents in seconds. No need to email or text them. Learn how to share photos from android to android.

Cool or creepy, you decide. With the GPS on your smartphone and bluetooth paired with your radio,  advertisers can share local deals and events when you drive past a venue or when you walk into a store. Learn about specific types of targeted mobile advertising, called geofencing.

With all of those amazing benefits of smartphone technology, you’re going to want to protect your mobile device. MYM Cases offers protective, personalized cases for a variety of mobile phones. Learn why it’s important to protect your smartphone with a custom phone case.

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